May 27- Ethiopia???

Mark shared our journey with Pastor Jim today during their weekly Tuesday meeting. Pastor Jim in turn shares with Mark that he has been led by God to discuss with our staff that that afternoon's vision meeting to pursue how God could use our church in the ministry of adoption. He is particularly burdened with Ethiopia, and his daughter is currently in the process of adopting from there. Mark called me and told me all this... I almost dropped the phone. He said "Maybe it's not China". Maybe it's not!

Twenty minutes after I got off the phone with Mark, Marge from Bethany called. She informed me that they received our application. There were two problems. One was that in order to begin the process with China, both parents have to be 30 years of age. I will not be 30 until November. Also, the youngest child in the home must be at least 1 when the process is begun. Halle Joy will not be 1 until February. Marge told me to simply resubmt a preliminary application a few weeks before Halle's first birthday. I told her okay, but them shared with her that Mark and I were also burdened with Ethiopia- could she check the requirements for me? She quickly checked and informed me that we meet at least the age, children in the home and length of marriage requirements for Ethiopia. She will resubmit our application with Ethiopia as our country of interest and we will hear more by the end of the week.

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