One more step

Found out today that our paperwork was filed in the courts. This does not mean we have a court date yet, but our paperwork is filed and it is up to the courts to assign us a court date now. There is no "standard" timeline for this- nothing is "standard" when it comes to this process. Please pray with us that we will be granted a court case- SOON!


KP said...

Praying! -Kari

Meaningful Mama said...

We're praying for you and your little baby!

HopeE said...

praying for you all!

Ross and Taya said...

we're praying too!

Sara Campbell said...

Really been praying for you, Kelsey! God brings you to mind often - trusting with you!

Erin said...

Praying, sister. Wow I can't wait to see how He forms you to be perfectly ready for this little guy while you are waiting.