
The Lord will provide...
We received an anonymous check in the offering at church yesterday. For our adoption. For $5000. Overwhelmed is not the word. We are praising the God who led in someone's heart in a mighty way to lead them to give in such an awesome way. If you read this, thank you, thank you. There really is no adequate way to express our gratitude.


Mason Mama said...

That is AWSOME, bless that individual or couple!

The Mulder Family said...

Praise God, whoever left that is truly wonderful! Good luck!

Tom Spithaler said...

I came across your blog today totally by accident... long story, BUT, my wife and I have been through a similar experience as we adopted a 12 year old little girl from Russia.

I am a pastor of Calvary Chapel Bonney Lake, and can tell you much about our journey. To make a very long and complicated story as short as possible, our experience was miserable and ended in broken hearst and a nearly broken family. While there is much joy that can be gained from adoption, there is also MUCH risk. In your case, adoting a toddler or baby is much less risky, but there is still some things that really need to be considered and thurougly thought through between you and your husband before you make a final decision.

I am a firm believer in adoption, and know for certain that it has it's place. Raising a child, whether your biologically or not, brings with it is trials and blessings. But having adopted chilred in the family does bring with it it's own blend of stress and trials.

Simply be certain that all these things are considered and completely bathed in prayer. See that others are praying as well. Seek out other adoptive families that have adopted from the same agency or area in Etheopia. Consider hidden mental health and physical health issues and risks. The list can go on and on.

Remember this: God has already given you a family to love and care for. This is the family that God has built. Scripture telols us that we are to care for the orphans and the widows, but this does not mean that we must adopt them and bring them into our homes to place the God designed family at risk.

Again, I know this may sound seem odd coming from a total stranger, and pastor, but my comments ARE meant to encourage you in your journey. If you'd like to hear the whole story of my wife and my experience, I'd love to share. Simply contact me through my blog.

Blessings to you. I shall lift you and your family in prayer.